Webinar: Business School Education: Transformation and the Emerging Business Model Shift

Date: 7 June 2022 | 14:00 – 15:00 BST

In association with Salesforce.org, we surveyed 150 leaders to understand their attitudes, thoughts, and perceptions on user experience, personalisation, online learning, and micro-credentials.

We found 80% of Business School leaders surveyed believe that their institution is under pressure to change their value proposition and business model.

Register for this webinar hosted by Salesforce.org to learn:

  • Strategies institutions are employing to meet student and other stakeholder expectations
  • How lifelong learning and new sources of revenue are being considered
  • Attitudes towards online programming and hybrid learning

About our speakers​

Geshri Gunasekera, VP Industry Marketing, Education Cloud, Salesforce.org

Geshri Gunasekera is the Vice President of Education Industry Marketing on the Education Cloud team. Geshri leans on over a decade of experience working in education technology to understand how Salesforce can partner with universities to achieve their strategic objectives. Geshri obtained her B.A. from Williams College and her MBA from the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago.

Julio Villalobos, Strategic Industry Advisor, Education Salesforce.org

With over 20-year expertise as a CMO & CDO in Education & Technology, Julio is a CXO Strategic Education Industry Advisor at Salesforce as part of the EMEA COE to empower Education Through Digital. Julio believes “digitisation” is an enabler to empower education towards students’ learning process, lifelong customer experience and business growth, but also and very important, as a powerful tool to provide a more equal and accessible society.

Ellen Buchan, Insight and Communications Executive, AMBA & BGA

Ellen Buchan is Insight and Communications Executive at AMBA & BGA, currently undertaking a secondment as Conference Producer.

At AMBA & BGA, Ellen is responsible for research projects and has worked on titles that include the annual AMBA Application and Enrolment Report, the AMBA & BGA Education Technology Report, and the AMBA & BGA International Climate Change Report. Alongside research, Ellen oversees public relations, social media and is a co-host of The AMBITION Podcast.

Prior to joining AMBA & BGA, Ellen gained an honours degree in modern history and management at the University of St Andrews.

About Salesforce.org

Everyone who wants to change the world should have the tools and technology to do so. Technology is the most powerful equaliser of our time, providing access to data, knowledge, and–above all–connections. Salesforce.org gets our technology in the hands of non-profits and educators so they can connect with others and do more good.

Salesforce Education Cloud empowers institutions with the digital foundation to capture 360-degree views across the entire education journey. Recruitment and admissions, student experience, advancement, and operations teams can use one, integrated platform to capture valuable data that drives learner and institution success.
