MBA success stories: Vinay Kapoor, Open University Business School (UK)

Vinay Kapoor has spent 15 years in Finance and Banking and gained his MBA in 2006. Vinay states his MBA allowed him to achieve his career goals, undertake and complete bigger challenges and also develop his self-belief. Now working for one of world’s biggest banks, BNP Paribas, Vinay was the first person to be appointed UK Head of Diversity and Inclusion and has implemented Diversity and Inclusion into all areas of the Bank. Vinay’s hard work and dedication is shown through the many awards he had received, including being listed in the ‘Top 50 Global D&I Executive list’ by The Economist in 2015.

Tell us about your current role
I am currently employed as the UK Head of Diversity and Inclusion at BNP Paribas – one of the world’s largest Banks. In my role, which is an Executive Level Leadership one, I am responsible for guiding efforts to conceptualise, define, assess, nurture, and cultivate diversity within BNP Paribas, and ensure that our workplaces are truly inclusive – where we not only value diversity but leverage it to provide us with great diversity of thought. This in turn provides a source of competitive advantage via higher innovation, avoiding ‘groupthink’, and higher creativity.

Where and when did you earn your MBA?
Open University – Graduated in 2006.

What is the most interesting thing you learnt from your MBA?
The most interesting thing I learnt from my MBA was how to develop my leadership style which included being able to challenge! To challenge the status quo, to challenge the ways things are done, and to challenge business processes. My MBA also gave me a perspective that value is relative, and that all business models are open to interpretation. My MBA provided me with the opportunity to develop self-belief and to crystalise my existing thinking – much of which was developed through peer networking with fellow MBA students and since graduation, Alumni.

How has the MBA made a difference in your life? In particular, your career path and leadership journey?
My MBA was pivotal in helping me achieve my career goals! My MBA, through the knowledge and experience it provided me, helped me facilitate a career change into a different profession completely – and one which I was much more passionate about – people!  In addition, having an MBA positively impacted my leadership style in terms of my communication, problem solving, having more integrity in my decision making, facilitating change and being able to ‘see both sides of the coin’.

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