University of Glasgow inaugurates new business school building

The University of Glasgow has formally opened a state-of-the-art building to house its business school, named after former rector and renowned philosopher and economist Adam Smith

The new Adam Smith Business School building and Postgraduate Taught (PGT) Hub was opened by Professor Cecilia Rouse, former chair of the Council of Economic Advisers in the White House for the Biden-Harris administration, Katzman-Ernst professor in economics and education at Princeton University and incoming president of the Brookings Institution, an American think tank that conducts research and education in the social sciences sphere. 

Professor Rouse was also awarded an honorary degree as Doctor of the University of Glasgow for her work as a labour economist, her commitment to education and her contribution to public service.

The Adam Smith Business School building and PGT Hub was constructed at a cost of some £85 million and will be formally named the Adam Smith Building at the end of the current academic year. 

The new building contains a range of teaching, research and collaboration spaces for students and staff from the University’s Adam Smith Business School. It also delivers the first-ever dedicated study and social space for the University of Glasgow’s graduate students, meaning the university can better support and promote business skills, employability and graduate attributes across its programmes.

The state-of-the-art facilities include a trading environment, simulating the experience of working with financial software in real-world trading roles and a dedicated MBA and executive education suite.

Commenting on the building’s opening, head of the Adam Smith Business School Professor Eleanor Shaw said: “The school is committed to being engaged, enlightened and entrepreneurial and to interacting with world-changing research and scholarship that can make a positive difference for our learners and for the communities we work with and service. 

“The facilities in our new home support these ambitions and we look forward to welcoming our learners and our partners to work alongside us. Our flagship new building means the University of Glasgow continues to be seen as a place that inspires and influences people and organisations around the world, engaging with a wide range of industries, organisations and policy makers.”

The building was opened during Adam Smith’s tercentenary year, which has seen the University lead global events and activities to commemorate Smith’s learning and legacy. 

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