France dominates FT’s MiM rankings

With 21 entries, French business schools comprise a fifth of all institutions in the 2023 Financial Times master’s in management (MiM) ranking, ahead of 10 from the UK led by London Business School, which claimed third place

HEC Paris heads the 2023 Financial Times master’s in management ranking of global business schools, just ahead of St Gallen of Switzerland, with four other French schools among the top tier of 12 of the 100 ranked institutions.

One French school that has jumped up the rankings this year is Audencia, which has climbed 20 places to become 27th worldwide and seventh in France for its Master of Science Manager-Engineer programme. 

The school attributes this to the change in ranking methodology to criteria “that matter to students and companies”. The weight of criteria such as salary, international work mobility and percentage of faculty with doctorates was reduced by 10 per cent in favour of CSR, carbon footprint and the alumni network. These are three areas that Audencia has adopted through its ECOS 2025 strategic plan and which have enabled the school’s progress. 

Commenting on the league table, Audencia director of programmes Nicolas Arnaud said: “The Financial Times MiM ranking is the most widely recognised on the international scene, so it’s an important compass for applicants.

“We are delighted that, through the evolution of its criteria, it is recognising schools like Audencia, which are taking action and making a commitment to major issues such as ecological and social transition, as well as equipping their students with the skills needed to transform businesses. This distinction validates the school’s historical strategic orientation and the innovations carried out within our programme in recent years.”

In terms of geographical regions outside Europe, there are currently just two US schools in the FT MiM rankings – Hult International Business School and the University of South Carolina: Moore – although others are increasingly offering the programme, including the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, which recruits its first cohort this year.

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