Technology is now a vital part of work lives, and it is constantly evolving. As such it can be a challenge to keep up with the changes and do your day job
This learning path helps you to appreciate the benefits of a variety of technologies from conference calls to Twitter. There are tips on why, how and when to use them as well as ideas on the best ways to learn about them
Most jobs nowadays require some level of IT skills and digital literacy. But what exactly are IT skills and how do they differ from digital literacy? This course helps you grow your understanding of these key transferable skills and explains how you can develop them.
- Key components included in this pathway, include:
- Technology to consider for your next role
- Overcoming ‘technophobia’
- Artificial intelligence and your career
- The 10 reasons you need a LinkedIn profile
- What’s in a blog?
- How to get started on WordPress
- Using Pinterest for your career development
- Snapchat at work
- Will a computer be taking your future job?
- Which technology will you be wearing tomorrow?
… and much more.
For these modules and many more, AMBA members can use our free and exclusive learning path ‘understanding new technologies’.
If you are an AMBA member, simply click the link below, to log into the membership platform, click Career Development Centre, then select ‘Learning’ and ‘Professional Skills e-learning’ from the top menu to access this course and several others.