Making the most of your online portfolio

While a physical copy of your portfolio can be a useful tool to bring into an interview, an online version can be incredibly valuable in attracting the attention of recruiters

There are many ways in which you can showcase your portfolio online; it also depends on the type of work that you do. If you’re a content writer for example, a blogging website like WordPress might be your best bet, while Behance and Dribbble are popular platforms for those in design and art.

Online portfolios are often exclusively talked about in connection with the more creative industries, but the truth is that they are useful across many job titles, from advertising to teaching. Whatever your background, here are the four steps you need to take to make the most of your online portfolio.

Quantity over quality
You want to be promoting the best of your work so when you are compiling your portfolio consider the pieces or projects you are most proud of or received the best feedback for or that you think showcase your skills most effectively and include those.

Also try to pick pieces that show off the range of skills that you possess but keep things coherent too: always keep in mind what you want your personal brand to be and choose examples that contribute to this.

Make sure it all adds up
Your portfolio shouldn’t just be a random collection of your work; ideally, it should tell the complete story of who you are. So, regardless of the platform on which you choose to display your work, make sure you include a section or page where you introduce yourself, your experience and your ambitions.

Your work examples should sit comfortably within this story, functioning as evidence for the strengths, skills, interests and motivations that you claim to have.

Make it accessible
Whether you are in work, looking for a job or freelancing, your portfolio is intended to attract attention to you and what you have to offer, so it’s crucial it reaches the right people. Add links to your portfolio on your LinkedIn profile, CV and other social media profiles and mention it in your cover letter. Most platforms also allow you to add sharing buttons which enable you to draw attention to individual pieces of work on, for example, your LinkedIn or Facebook page.

Keep updating it
A great portfolio is never static. Failing to update it means missing the chance to showcase progress and newly acquired skills, so regularly review your portfolio to make sure it is as impressive as it can be.

By creating an online portfolio you are inviting others to engage with your work.
It’s a valuable way of both proving and promoting yourself to potential employers, customers and clients. Besides your skills, you’ll also be showing off your commitment to your work – the more you work on your portfolio the better the impression you make.

You can find a wealth of career-related articles via AMBA’s exclusive members’ Career Development Centre. Log in, using the button below, and click Career Development Centre to get started.

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