Choosing a Business School

Before selecting a programme, ask yourself a few crucial questions:

What is the School’s reputation? is it recognised among MBA employers?          

Reputation is key when it comes to choosing a school. Employers not only ask whether you have an MBA, but where you studied and some programmes have better reputations than others. You can measure the quality and mark of a school by checking that the MBA programme has the right accreditations.

What are the School’s links with business and industry?

Check that the school has good links with local and international companies and find out the employment details and locations of the alumni.

Do you want to study locally or overseas?

If you’re looking to study full time, then it’s worth thinking about a school in another country to boost your international exposure. If you speak more than one foreign language then all the more reason to make this life choice. To study part-time, you may prefer to be closer to home or work, whereas geography might not be so important for distance-learners, where technology plays a key part in the delivery of the programme.

How is the MBA programme structured?

The first thing to look at is the focus of the programme. You might want to specialize in a particular area or maybe you’d prefer to have a more general qualification. A good MBA course will cover the core management subjects and offer a good range of electives as well.

Do you want to study full time, part time or are you interested in distance learning?

There are lots of ways to study and it’s up to you which one best suits your situation, lifestyle and needs.

How much does the MBA cost?

It’s really important to remember that cost does not necessarily mean quality. Lots of factors determine price, including the type of institution, the local economic situation, the reputation and calibre of the faculty and the delivery of their courses. Ask the business school how they price their MBA before making a financial decision.

How flexible is the MBA programme delivery?

If you are looking to study over a few years, then it’s likely that your situation and expectations will change so you may need to switch between different courses of study. Opt for a school that lets you do this.

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