MBA success stories: Joanna Wagner, POLIMI Graduate School of Management

An MBA graduate of POLIMI Graduate School of Management explains how the decision to relocate to Milan and her programme experience has helped redefine her purpose and perspective

For Joanna Wagner, a 2022 full-time MBA graduate of POLIMI Graduate School of Management (GSoM) a career in the creative industry was always the ultimate goal.

“Ever since learning what graphic design was, I knew this is where I needed to be” she says. Very early on, she entered advertising as an art director, taking on every opportunity that presented itself. “Looking back, it was hard work but it came to me so organically”.

In fact, Wagner’s work was continuously paying off – in recognition, industry awards and credentials ticked off the ‘to-do’ list one after another. Working with top players in the sector for globally loved brands and jumpstarting passion projects came to a peak in 2018, with participation in the Cannes Lion Festival after competing with top young talent from across the world. “I remember sitting in a room with the legends of industry, artists and activists I admired as a teenager,” Wagner shares.

“The feeling of being stuck”

Truly loving one’s work is a rare privilege nowadays but losing that joy brings a severe reality check and that happened – unsurprisingly enough – during the Covid-19 pandemic. But what circumstances brought Wagner to shift her perspective? Well, there were probably many reasons at play, she explains. “The feeling of being stuck and the need for personal development was at the forefront of what drove me to a point where I no longer felt at the right place.” Wagner claims that realisation of the impending need for change came slowly and didn’t seem to be going anywhere. While many people longed for travel and vacations in the lockdown, her longing was for a new direction and setting.

As an avid art lover and collector, Wagner recalls the need for an inspiring and culturally charged setting was as high as the need for intellectual challenge and stimulation. She knew herself – and to perform, rise to the challenge and excel, she needed an appropriate mental space, captivating surroundings and beauty that can provide respite.

Relocating to Milan

So why did she study her MBA in Milan? “Milan is a place one can feel instantly connected with – the constant tension between classical and modern and the electric energy it creates. Plus, a sort of safe haven from the outside chaos that was, for me, a guarantee that relocating there would be a life-changing experience.

Researching educational options, she discovered POLIMI GSoM’s MBA specialisation in luxury and design management and all the puzzle pieces came together in an instant decision. “For me, once I have a clear goal, I am happy. Hard work is of no issue once I really want something – so basically once I realised this is what I wanted, everything became much easier,” Wagner reasons.

The outsider’s perspective

It was clear for an art director that the MBA setting would prove a significant change, fortunately Wagner was never scared of being the outsider. “I strongly believe in the power that comes from the outsiders’ perspective. It has guided me throughout my career and always helped me doing things in a way that has not been done before,” she says.

In fact, Wagner believes that the crucial part is redefining yourself and allowing yourself to see one’s strengths and skills from a different angle, realising they can be used in a completely different way. In this case, the MBA programme delivered on her expectations. The varied background of participants, distinct specialisation paths and the wide range of subjects covered, coupled with the bustling and engaging city atmosphere all added up to a year of self-actualisation and redefinition that Wagner felt she needed.

Milan is renowned for its luxury industry. Bringing art and business together is the logical implication of the city’s energy. As to her future employment opportunities in the sector and career development, Wagner is hopeful. “We will see what the future holds. For now, I have the peace of gaining a new purpose and perspective on myself. I have decided to stay in Milan after the degree and relocate to Italy full time. I have found everything I was looking for here.”

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